
Another school year is coming to an end. The weight is slowly being lifted from my shoulders and I am a step closer to my last year of high school. The memories in this chapter of my life are coming to an end, but my excitement is growing to see what memories I will end with. I am excited to start my final year of high school with an adventurous summer where the nights become longer and the worries are replaced by peace. The splashing of the waves and the excited laughs become the anthem of summer and the flip flops leave their marks on the ground. The excitement will continue to increase as the days pass by and sleep becomes nonexistent.

Letter to Incoming APLAC Students

Dear future AP Language and Composition Student,
You have big shoes to fill this year, not just because my class set high standards, but because Ms. Henry expects a lot from you. Be prepared to have writer’s block for many of the assignments given for this class, and definitely take them seriously. A majority, if not all, of your pieces will be posted on a blog, like this one which you are reading. This blog will not only be showcased among other teachers and students, but possibly colleges. It is important to maintain a professional presence; therefore, make sure you do not make simple mistakes or say offensive things. 
At times, you may become overwhelmed by the work or stressed because you are not satisfied with your piece, but it will be okay. If you feel like you need extra help, ask your classmates. A lot of the editing and feedback will come from them, so they are a great source. However, if you need more help, you can always talk to Ms. Henry, who is always willing to help and will definitely give you ideas and inspiration. 
For more specific pieces like Word of the Month, it can become difficult to find a word to describe how you feel, without being repetitive. What I do to help is listen to music. Music is a great way to be inspired and to imitate some of the lyrics into your pieces. I have personally also used Tumblr to look for uncommon words which give a little more personality to your blog. When it becomes time for debates, all I can truly say is to think hard about the side you want to choose. The first time I wrote mine I had to completely restart just days before I was supposed to present. Once you start to do research, it is easy to have your mind changed, so make sure you are set on your views. Strong lines are essential to this aspect of the class and really capture the attention of the audience. Also, do not undermine the questions you will be asked about your topic, I have witnessed great arguments torn down by lack of answers and knowledge of a topic. 
Although this class can be stressful, you will push yourself as a writer and improve your techniques and create a voice for yourself if you do not already have one. Remember to have your personality show through your words and to have an open mind when reading other pieces. As Ernest Hemingway once said “As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand.”

Karla Castillo

Scripted Roles

“Be a man”

I was told as a young boy

The tears streaming down my rosy cheeks

Not wanting to disappoint my father

I thought I knew what it meant

I thought it was something I could achieve

But as I got older I understood

That I’d never know what it would mean

What does it mean to “be a man?”

Aren’t I already a man?

Why would I have to prove it?

Does being a man mean something else?

Why not say “be tough”

“Be fearless”

“Be brave”

Why do we associate these characteristics with a gender

Why can’t a female be tough

Is the woman who works overtime to provide for her kids not tough?

Her wrinkled and tired eyes still managing to withstand the brick wall in front of her

I hope to see the day

When my son is told

“Be fearless” instead of “be a man”

Because your gender does not define what you are capable of


“Act like a lady”

Aren’t I already one?

Why must I act “like a lady”

Why can’t I just act proper

Why can’t I just be myself

Just because I am a female

Does not mean I must confine

All that I am inside

As to what others believe I must be like

Can I not just be myself

Why must I be dealt

With these stereotypes

With these deceptions

I fear for the future

I fear having a daughter

Because I do not want her to grow up

To think she is not good enough

To tell me “I am a lady”

Instead of “I am courteous”

or to think her life was already defined


I fear for our future as humans

I fear for children

I fear that we will be stuck with this ideal

That a gender must behave a certain way

That we have a predetermined norm

I fear that we will continue this cycle

Where we give, but we take

We give rights

But we take dignity

I fear that soon we will all fall into the oblivion

To believe there is no issue

To think that we are all equal

To think that a characteristic is fit for one


It seems that we begin to think more about life as a familiar one comes to an end. The forced smiles around me are mournful, as am I. You try to move on, try to accept that you will no longer see that loved one’s face, and try to adjust to the changes. The ticking clock ticks away the sorrowful thought and taps into the trickling emotions. Morning will not come for all, mourning won’t bring them back. I must weep to smile; my regret is as difficult to cross as a broken bridge. As we lose, we gain. We gain the realization that life is too short and that we should not neglect the little details because they soon are all we have. We gain the support from those around us, and we gain the inner peace that our loved one is in a better place. I will strive to be the greatest at whatever I take on and to live the fullest life that I can because I know someone out there did not get that chance.


Contemplative is what I am becoming. I am contemplating society’s ways and traditions set many years beforehand. Ideals and beliefs have become so divided and distinct that it becomes difficult to choose which opinions you agree or disagree with. I am contemplating what I believe to be right or wrong, my morals, not just what I have been taught from those around me. There are harsh whispers and soft yells that surround our society, exemplifying their thoughts, waiting to be heard and accepted. Same words, different perceptions, but there is always someone who disagrees. I am contemplating whether or not I should voice how I truly feel and get scorned for it, or whether I should just stay quiet to please a majority of others. Hollywood reminds us of everyday issues and controversies which stir audiences to project their opinion about the topic, but only for a short amount of time. I am contemplating whether or not we are being taught to truly be ourselves, or a version of ourselves that others will accept.

To Whom It May Concern:


My name is Karla Castillo and I am a Junior at Everett Alvarez enrolled in three AP classes. As a student living in Salinas, I can see poverty not only in the streets, but at school. With long lines during lunch for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, it is not uncommon in my community for a teenager to have economic issues. The majority of my community is populated by minorities, many whose children hope to be the first to attend college. Teenagers struggle  everyday in order to ensure a better life than their parents had, to educate themselves, not only to help themselves, but to help their family. But then they are faced with a prominent issue, how will they pay to get to the top?

It is not enough for the students to get a 4.0 GPA in regular classes; therefore it is advantageous for any student aspiring to go to college to take these classes. However it is not easy for many, especially in my community. Teenagers at my school struggle to pay for their own lunch everyday, let alone pay for multiple tests whose prices keep substantially rising each year. My question is, when does the rising price stop? Students are already struggling to pay the hefty $91 this year for one of their AP class tests. Will they have to start selling their valuables to pay for their AP tests next year? That is not what students should have to worry about. They should worry about their performance on these tests.


I understand why these tests might be so expensive, a substitution for a college course if they are passed, but here in Salinas, it does not cost $91 to take a college class. At Hartnell College, it costs only $4, plus the costs of other supplies which can easily be borrowed from another student. Are the costs of these tests purposely meant to exclude those who cannot afford them? This is what I contemplate as I watch students stress about the payment of the tests, with the determination of success in their eyes, but empty pockets. For these reasons, I ask for the AP test prices to stop rising in price, I ask for more opportunities for those less fortunate, and I ask for not just my community, but for many others who might not have a voice to speak up for their education.


Thank you for your time and consideration.




Karla Castillo


Hope; wanting or desiring for something to happen. Its definition varies in situations, but what remains the same about hope is that we all need it at some point in our lives. Whether it is hope for a more peaceful world, or what I have hope in, having a voice. Everyday, I am expected to know how to do an assignment in a class because I am an AP student. Everyday, I am given the responsibilities of a college student, without the ability to ask for help. I understand that teachers try to work from the students who are performing the worst in class, or who do not have the drive to work hard in school. But what I do not understand, or simply do not agree with, is that most of the teacher’s help is give to these students, but hardly to AP students. I write, I read, I study, I try. But sometimes, I need help just as much as other students, AP students need help. You would expect for us to have break, you would expect for our efforts in achieving more to be noticed more often. One small act of help from someone, is an enormous fulfillment of faith for us. Hope is what I have, hope that I’ll finally get a break.

Confessions of An AP Student

Everyday, a student with low credits and various F’s is given a chance to make them up, or is given the resources to improve a grade. Whether it is summer school, continuation school, or extra help after class. But when teachers are told to help students who need it the most, do they turn to the honor student who has at least five hours of homework ahead of them? Or the honor student who has not slept in days as they study for finals, AP exams, and the SAT? A student in need, may not always be the student with straight F’s and a chance of not being able to graduate. A student in need may be the student who has piles of responsibilities, financial problems, or social pressure, but still continues to maintain a high GPA and continues to perform community service. I am one of those students.
My alarm wakes me every morning with a deafening upbeat song, and brings me to a reality after short hours of dreams. I begin getting ready for school, attempting to cover the dark bags under my eyes, caused by lack of sleep, with makeup. I had stayed up until 4 a.m. Finishing the three assignments and projects due for my classes. It was not 6:45 a.m and the sun peaked through the cool grey skies.
“Hey let’s go out tonight! Don’t flake!” Reads the text from my older cousin, who is always trying to get me to “live a little” instead of “being lame” by studying.
“Okay. Text me the details.” I reluctantly reply, knowing my sleep would suffer.
I began to gather my textbooks for the day: calculus, Spanish, and history. I cringed at the sight of calculus, feeling the effects of anxiety creeping in.
“Remember to pay for your AP tests!” I am reminded during the morning announcements. $293 is what I have to pay this year, on top of the SAT, various books to study for the exams, and that is not all. Junior year is the year I can finally attend prom, but it seems like just an added expense for junior year.
Everyday is the same stress, from balancing life and school. I struggle finding time to spend with my family without neglecting school work. I struggle with not stressing out ,to the point of having health issues, about a test that is worth 80% of my grade. I struggle with thinking “grades aren’t that important” in a place where grades and test scores are all that are talked about, and where my well being is put last.
“Go to college” I am told, but I am also told “have a little fun” or “not doing one assignment won’t kill you.”
445 hours of community service, 8 club memberships, good grades, stress, and hundreds of dollars later, and still no help.


A fight to move upwards
armor is distributed
but not all know how to use it
Determination blinds eyes
distractions along the way stop a majority
but many still fight through

The prize is not valued by all
but it is also not meant for everyone
it opens up new opportunities
it opens up your mind
The chance at a better life
the chance to change who you are
into what you desire

The fight continues for many years
and through the obstacles
those who make it
are the ones who build our surroundings

Their efforts continue to affect us
even long after the battle
but just because it’s difficult
does not make it impossible

We are given armor to help us make it
and even those with rusty armor and harsh weather
can still achieve

The climb, the fight, the result
all for a better tomorrow

Education brings a sense of hope to many, a way to move up in social class or the route to a better life. Being educated, is not just about attending school, but also learning about your surroundings and experiences. Being aware of current events and things around the world is vital to being educated, because it allows you to become more involved in conversations and events which can be very important for that time period. Not everyone realizes the true value of an education, but those who do are willing to fight to receive it and in the end the results are worth the obstacles.

A New Start

The Christmas trees are taken down, the countdown for the new year has already occurred, and school has begun again. Family is driving away, and reality hits as new beginnings peak above the ground. Resolutions have been made, and some have already been broken, but the new year has given us the excuse to better ourselves. Whether it is your outer appearance or your inner characteristics, the opportunities to improve are widely available. I have been ripped away from the endless dreams of hot chocolate and wrapping paper under the cold sky. I have been ripped away from the illusion of having no responsibilities and endless amounts of sleep into the reality that a new semester is beginning and all the stress is about to be met again.